Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Talk About Lipstick

Oh my gosh, do we need our girlfriends, or what? I don't know about you but, I have the most amazing friends. Life would not be good right now without their support. Mom's are the best sounding board we could ask for. She's the one who listens to all our problems and we can count on her for solid and sound advice because she knows us better than anyone and, of course, she loves us. But if your mom is in heaven like mine, then you need your girlfriends. WHY? Because girls are critical, little perfectionists, and judgemental snots, and despite the fact that those traits are irritating and annoying at times, it keep us on track. We love talking about each others issues, and although that sounds catty, talking about lifes little issues with our close friends keeps you in touch with reality, and it makes you think about your own situations. You should always strive for excellence, never mediocre. Don't settle.
We need our friends and family to keep us strong and grounded. Do you ever listen to Dr Laura? She is a very strong woman and one of her pet peaves is a weak woman. The hardest thing for me is to stand up for myself. I would just as soon walk away from you and never talk to you again than have to give you a piece of my mind. I'm just not the confrontational type, can't help it, and it's caused me many problems and heartaches. I do not recommend it. HAHA! The solution is to be strong and JUST SAY IT. Say what you have to say, spit the words out. I used to be like that when I was younger. Blurt crap out with no inhibitions. Somewhere along lifes path I decided it wasn't lady like, or that being opinionated was crass. Cinderella wasn't mouthy or sassy, she just did her job. She had inner peace. She had loving parents that lived in her memory, that's who she was and she knew it. Unlike her step sisters who shamlessly embarrased themselves at her expense.
Shameless behavior at the expense of others is about the worst trait anyone can have and us girls face people like that every day. Especially in the workplace. Many of my girlfriends have experienced horrid people in the workplace. Shocking stories of back stabbing and degrading attacks. I cannot stress to you enough to GET OUT. It's not worth it.
The saddest thing is watching our girlfriends being abused in their own sanctuary, their home, by their spouce, or their children. The best thing for these women is knowing their girlfriends are always available. You have to make yourself available to them. They need you. in some cases you may be their only lifeline. We can talk about this in depth some other time. I have lots to say in the matter. But what don't I have alot to say about? Don't answer that.

So girlfriends, start a girlfriend network. Start out simple like maybe meeting for a glass of wine at a fab restaurant and share an appetizer. Laugh, and gawk at each others jewelry and handbags. Compliemt each other, swap pictures. Talk about lipstick. ANYTHING!!!

luv u