Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pink Peonies & Sparkly Gift Bags

Hello Girls, I hope you are well because if you are not you need to listen to me. I am the queen of going from super to rock bottom in one day! It took me over a year to pull myself out of the mess I was in, and I am still not free and clear, but will be soon, so watch out. And how did I do that you ask? One thing, and one thing only. God. Nothing else can explain how I survived the things that happened except for my faith in God. I can't go into the minutia of it all, but can tell you, and with 100% certainty that, God makes miracles happen -in your life. You tell Him what you need, and be sure to also ask Him to give you the ability to be at peace with what ever happens. Ask Him to remove the stress and worry and to lay peace on your heart. Then .....have complete faith that He WILL work miracles for you, yes YOU. IT WORKS! Angela Thomas says we are His baby girl. She is so darling and I want to be just like her. Whoa, makes me cry thinking about the miracles He has done for me and the many more He probably will need to do for me before I go to the narrow door. [insert rolling eyes smiley]

You see, you have to understand that He works through others. This is how all this miracle business works. He brings people into your life for a reason. Nothing is a coincidence, it's planned. HE plans it. We should know that He will use us in many ways throughout our lives to help others. We may not even be aware of it most of the time. It's a really cool thing.
I went to a very expensive consultant, then settled for a cheaper one. Things didn't work out, so I went to a third unsure what the outcome was going to be, in fact, I expected a terrible outcome, but I prayed very hard about it ...and, I left the meeting elated. A huge weight lifted from my heart. God does not disappoint. This person was just doing her job, and had no idea God was working through her. I dunno, maybe she did. I'll ask her one day.
My point to all of this is that God helps us because he wants us to help others. To be mindful of others. We all have gifts, blessings, and special abilities. We should use these talents to help others. I'm not talking about saving the world, please. It's not complicated and you don't have to do community service. Simplicity, and common sense. Be gracious. God wants us to be His servants. What does that mean? It means Be in the world and share your wonderful self with people. Be happy, show people your lovely self, your sense of humor, and share the things you love!
My mom was so gracious and she was a good servant. She was a good friend to all her girlfriends. They loved her. She was generous, caring and gave sound advise. She thought about people in most everything she did. She put everyone else before her own needs. Literally. I miss her everyday. It's still hard to visit my dad because he hasn't changed one thing of hers since she died. So when I am in his house I envision her there, cooking or arranging her gorgeous pink peonies in vases.
This is a beautiful world filled with beautiful people, flowers, food and sparkly gift bags. So SHARE. lol. Bring a girlfriend a flower, or a gift bag with a cute girlie thing in it. Some of us just need more guidance than others. So listen, what does Martha say, "it's a good thing", right? I want that wall plaque that says; LIVE LOVE LAUGH, and hang it above the front door of my house. Do not enter unless you intent to live love and laugh because there is alot to be happy about, especially when we have each other.